@adamstributer wrote:
So it's been AGES since I last used flexget, and now that mylar has bit the dust for me I'm turning back to it to just grab comics and then sort them.
I already have a directory full of comics, and cobbled together the config file below from the samples in the plug-ins gallery as well as some that I found here in the discussions. The issue is that whenever I try to test the config I get:
CRITICAL manager [/tasks/comics/series/configure_series] Got
{'from': {'filesystem': ['/mnt/data/Books/Comics/']}}, expected: list
web_server: port: 6060 web_ui: yes templates: global: # Make sure all filenames are Linux-safe: pathscrub: linux comics: manipulate: - title: replace: regexp: '_' # change all underscores to spaces format: ' ' - title: replace: regexp: ' issue(\d){1,3}' # reformat titles with 'issue' in the title to omit it format: ' \1' - title: replace: regexp: ' issue (\d){1,3}' # reformat titles with 'issue' in the title to omit it format: ' \1' tasks: comics: rss: url: https://32pag.es/XXXX url: TORZNAB torrent_alive: yes series: configure_series: from: filesystem: - /mnt/data/Books/Comics/ deluge: username: XXXX password: XXXX label: comics comics-sort-files: filesystem: path: /mnt/media/downloads/deluge/comics/ #source of files to move recursive: yes # dig into folders in this directy to search for titles if necessary regexp: '.*\.(cbz|cbr|cbt|cb7)$' # search only for comic filetypes accept_all: yes seen: local all_series: parse_only: yes template: comics manipulate: - filename: replace: regexp: '(?= \(\d).+?(?=.cb[zrt7])' # remove anything after the first space followed by a parenthese followed by a digit (e.g. the ' (2017)...' in the title 'Batman 003 (2017) (Digital).cbz'), leaving the file extension. format: '' - filename: replace: regexp: ' (\d\d).cb[zrt7]' # reformat a two-digit issue number followed by the extension into a 3 digit issue number format: ' 0\1' - filename: replace: regexp: ' (\d).cb[zrt7]' # reformat a one-digit issue number followed by the extension into a 3 digit issue number format: ' 00\1' - filename: replace: regexp: ' (\d) \(of (\d)\)' # reformat a one-digit issue number of a one-digit total issues (e.g 'issue 3 (of 5)') to three and two digits respectively format: ' 00\1 (of 0\2)' - filename: replace: regexp: ' (\d) \(of (\d\d)\)' # reformat a one-digit issue number of a two-digit total issues (e.g 'issue 3 (of 12)') to three and two digits respectively format: ' 00\1 (of 0\2)' - filename: replace: regexp: ' (\d\d) \(of (\d\d)\)' # reformat a two-digit issue number of a two-digit total issues (e.g 'issue 03 (of 06)') to three and two digits respectively format: ' 0\1 (of \2)' - filename: replace: regexp: 'annual (\d){1,4}' # reformat an annual title format: 'Special A\1' - filename: replace: regexp: 'special (\d){1,3}' # reformat an special title format: 'Special SP\1' - filename: replace: regexp: 'v(\d){1,4}' # reformat an volume label format: 'Vol \1' - filename: replace: regexp: 'vol(\d){1,4}' # reformat an volume label format: 'Vol \1' - filename: replace: regexp: 'Vol 0(\d\d)' # reformat an volume label format: 'Vol \1' - filename: replace: regexp: 'Vol 0(\d)' # reformat an volume label format: 'Vol \1' - title: from: filename # make title match filename - title: replace: regexp: '.cb[rtz7]' # remove extension from title format: '' - series_name: from: title # make series_name match title - series_name: replace: regexp: ' \d\d\d.*' # remove issue number and everything after from series_name format: '' - series_name: replace: regexp: ' Rebirth' # remove Rebirth tag from series_name format: '' move: to: /mnt/data/Books/Comics/{{ series_name }} clean_source: 30 # notify: # - pushover: # user_key: # - XXXX # api_key: XXXX schedules: # Run every task every 15 minutes - tasks: '*' interval: minutes: 15
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