@muddro wrote:
I am trying to get the IRC_bot working properly. As a prerequisite, I am utilizing three sites. It seems the .tracker file for DH isn't working properly. I get
Unsupported linematched tag: http
templates: tv: configure_series: from: thetvdb_list: username: XXXXXX account_id: XXXXXX api_key: XXXXXX settings: quality: 720p+ HDTV+ exists_series: 'D:/TV Shows/' download: path: 'D:/Downloads/Incomplete' irc: DH: tracker_file: 'D:/IRC/Digital-Hive.tracker' nickname: "XXXXXX" nickserv_password: 'XXXXXX' use_ssl: yes port: 7000 cookie: "XXXXXX" task: - get_tv - get_movie_entry channels: ['#digitalhive','#DH.Announce'] AR: tracker_file: 'D:/IRC/AlphaRatio.tracker' use_ssl: yes port: 7000 nickname: 'XXXXXX' invite_nickname: 'XXXXXX' invite_message: 'XXXXXX' torrent_pass: 'XXXXXX' authkey: 'XXXXXX' channels: ['#XXXXXX','#XXXXXX'] task: - get_tv - get_movie_entry TL: tracker_file: 'D:/IRC/TorrentLeech.tracker' nickname: 'XXXXXX' nickserv_password: 'XXXXXX' use_ssl: yes port: 7021 invite_nickname: 'XXXXXX' invite_message: 'XXXXXX' rsskey: 'XXXXXX' channels: ['#tlannounces','#torrentleech'] task: - get_tv - get_movie_entry schedules: # Run every task once a minute - tasks: '*' interval: minutes: 1 tasks: populate_movie_list: imdb_watchlist: user_id: urXXXXXX list: watchlist accept_all: yes list_add: - movie_list: imdb_movies get_tv: manual: yes template: tv metainfo_series: yes get_movie_entry: manual: yes quality: 720p bluray imdb_lookup: yes list_match: from: - movie_list: imdb_movies download: path: 'D:/Downloads/Incomplete'
Also, nothing has downloaded yet, so wondering if there is anything on the face of this that needs to be corrected?
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