@rcnorth wrote:
I am creating a task that will email a list of all Trakt series that have a collected of < 100%. To do this I am looking at the next episode for each show that I need to capture and checking that the date is < 5 days ago.
I am receiving the following error
Error occurred while evaluating statement `trakt_ep_first_aired < (now - timedelta(days=10))`. (can't compare datetime.datetime to NoneType)
Here is my task
########################################################################## # checks Trakt to see which episodes have aired but haven't been collected ########################################################################## monitor_missing_episodes: disable: seen trakt_lookup: yes no_entries_ok: yes next_series_episodes: yes next_trakt_episodes: <<: *trakt-credentials list: 'Torrents' context: collected position: next accept_all: yes if: - "trakt_collected or trakt_watched": reject - trakt_ep_first_aired < (now - timedelta(days=5)): reject # Change the value in days to customize the time delta notify: task: title: "Missing episodes detected" template: html always_send: yes via: - email: <<: *gmail-settings
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