@OmegaZero wrote:
I have some kid shows that are in no particular order (doesn't matter if I get episode 1, 5, 9 and no others) - I just want it to search and find random episodes from past seasons and download anything it finds. I have the full season 5 and season 7 but nothing else. Problem is that if I use backfill it seems to just want to get S01E01 and gives up if it can't find that. How can I make it search for all the episodes for a given show?
KidsAutoTV: template: kidtv configure_series: from: trakt_list: username: xxxx list: kidwatchlist type: shows strip_dates: yes settings: identified_by: ep tracking: no quality: 720p+ bdscr+ discover: what: - emit_series: backfill: yes from_start: yes from: - kat: category: tv verified: yes - torrentz: verified - piratebay: category: tv sort_by: seeds interval: 1 day series: - Brain Games: begin: S08E01
Note I read somewhere (different post) that somebody had mentioned "How could it possibly download shows if it doesn't know what shows are available". I assume it uses trakt to go find it on the tvdb...? or do I need to provide the tvdb id separately? And then once it had the tvdb id it would know what episodes were there?
Sorry just haven't seen any post where somebody is attempting to do this =/
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